[vc_swimacademy_theme_feature style=”2″ icon=”martial-art” header=”Heart Put Into Learning”]We want to change the approach of children and their parents to learning to swim and to physical activity.[/vc_swimacademy_theme_feature]
[vc_swimacademy_theme_feature style=”3″ icon=”board-game” header=”A Mine of Ideas”]We organize new types of activities. We train ourselves by participating in various types of courses.[/vc_swimacademy_theme_feature]
[vc_swimacademy_theme_feature icon=”slippers” header=”We Know Each Other”]We know each of our students not only by name, but most of all we listen to them and try to get to know them.[/vc_swimacademy_theme_feature]
[vc_swimacademy_theme_feature style=”3″ icon=”bowling” header=”New Trends Today”]We organize free special events such as, for example, St. Nicholas’ Day at the swimming pool.[/vc_swimacademy_theme_feature]